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Blood Sugar : Where I stand | Apoorv Pathology

Updated: Oct 2, 2022

By Dr Deepa Agnihotri

30 September 2022

Diabetes is a disease of sugar imbalance in the blood therefore we should first understand what is Diabetes and why it occurs.

We all know that for our body, the key source of energy, is food. With the help of complex processes, this food produces sugar also . Different functions of the body consume sugar and two hormones i.e. insulin and glucagon regulate sugar level in the blood. Interestingly, Sugar level in the blood is never constant. It continuously fluctuates as per the energy utilized and glucose taken in food or glucose produced by endogenous means. In case of normal healthy person, Sugar level in blood is maintained in safe range. This happens for proper functioning of all organs. Its imbalance develops Diabetes.

There are two types of Diabetes .

1. Type I Diabetes which is hereditary in origin.

2. Type II Diabetes -Majority of cases are Type two which is due to unhealthy life style. Proper medication and healthy life style is the key to combat the disease.

Diabetes is the most common disease. Alarming concern is that almost 57% of patients are still undiagnosed and therefore facing related problems.

Why Should I Test my Blood Sugar Level

We all are facing challenges in life. Our daily routine is all set by our profession & lots of responsibilities. We, therefore have lost control over disciplined lifestyle. Due to stress and wrong lifestyle Diabetes develops. This disease does not develop in a day. It is a impact of piling up of faulty daily routine for a long time. Initially sugar levels rises little bit in hyperglycemic range only. This is a prediabetic stage, when with the help of change in diet, exercise, one can easily reverse the process and say good bye to the disease. Following are signs of early diabetic stage.

  • Hunger & Lethargy

  • Urination. Often & being thirstier than normal

  • Itchy skin & infections

  • Blurred vision

  • Weight Loss

  • Fatigue

  • Poor Wound healing

For Diabetic Patient - Frequent blood sugar test is mandatory to monitor the effects of exercise, diet regimes, efficacy of Medicines etc. Regular monitoring tracks the impact on the disease. Based on results, We can modify our efforts any day. Regular checking safeguards against sudden high & low sugar levels and delay related critical complications.

When should I get my Blood Sugar Test done?

To start with, one should have a random sugar test done just to know the risk and to consult the physician. If your sugar levels are slightly high in hyperglycemic stage, this is a golden period, when you can easily reverse the process of development of Diabetes.


You will need to get your blood sugar tested to find out for sure if you have prediabetes or type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes. One or more of the following tests will confirm the diagnosis.

  • HBA1C- This test tells you the average sugar level in your blood for last 120 days.

  • Fasting Sample - Eight hours of fasting is needed .You can take water during fasting.

  • Post prandial (PP) Blood Sugar Test - 1.5 to 2 hours after meals.

  • GCT( Glucose Challenge Test) - 75 gm glucose is given to patient and blood glucose test is performed after1 hour.

  • GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test) - This is a Ideal test for diagnosing Diabetes. In this test several samples are taken at frequent interval to evaluate functioning of glucose metabolism in body.

Blood sugar test can be done by standard methods in pathology labs or one can also check frequently at home by Best Sugar Testing Machine Glucometer. One Continuous glucose monitor CGM is also available, which is implanted on skin for three months. It gives blood sugar reading continuously, therefore management can be more convenient in critical conditions.

Sugar Levels and its interpretation-

Check your blood sugar level and know where you stand.

Blood Sugar Level Ranges , along with action needed are as follows:











Normal Range







Observation-Energy drinks.





Critical Hypoglycemia

Urgent physician consultation




Low risk 5.6-6.4 High Risk 6.4-7.7


Treat the physical or psychological cause of stress . Change Diet and Lifestyle






Consult Physician

What are The Causes of Diabetes

According to WHO "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being not merely absence of disease". Today's stressful, competitive lifestyle is disturbing daily routine and simple living. When following factors are persisting for a long time, it will convert into lifestyle disease like Diabetes, hypertension etc. Main causes are -

  • Unhealthy diet

  • Stress

  • Lack of Exercise

  • Excess intake of sweets, fatty junk food, fried food ,dairy products ,alcohol etc.

  • Excess sleep

  • Hereditary- less common.

Suggestive food Supplements and lifestyle changes

Diabetes Diet is frequent meals with Low calorie ,high fiber & high protein. It should also include warm water or soups necessarily.

Balanced Diet - Basic standard balanced diet must include Whole grains, Salads, vegetables, Germinated , fermented food and Seasonal Fruits . It should be easily digestible. You must avoid all food that tastes sweet, junk food, oil, fried food, liquor & Smoking.

Dietary habits and food we eat can improve the metabolism of sugar. Diabetes impacts and slows-down digestive system, so it is suggested to break your meals into smaller parts to avoid overburden. Diabetic diet must be of Low calorie, high fiber & high protein. Warm water and warm soups /food should be taken to improve the system. Below is a list of recommended food to reduce blood sugar level.

  • Amla- It has vitamin C, Chromium ,calcium, phosphorus and iron all are helpful in absorption of sugar into the cell.

  • Triphala - It is Detoxifying and improve digestion power also.

  • Cinnamon

  • Bitter Guard

  • Fenugreek

  • Turmeric

Excercise draws sugar from muscle and liver.It makes your cells to more sensitive or responsive to insulin ,therefore reduces sugar instantaneously.

Exercise draws sugar from muscle and liver. It makes your cells more sensitive or responsive to insulin, therefore reduce sugar instantaneously for up to 6-8 hours.

Walking, jogging, cycling stretching, playing outdoor games for at least one to two hours a day reduce blood sugar as well as it releases endorphin hormone which reduces stress and keep you calm .

Pranayam and Kapalbhati makes the mind calm, thus balancing the interaction between the pituitory gland and the pancrease(insulin producing gland)

Mediation and yoga reduces stress hormones . Kapalbhati and anulom-vilom pranayama calms mind, thus balancing the interaction between the pituitary gland and the pancreas (insulin producing gland).It also increases insulin production in Diabetes patients.

Meditation releases Melatonin and endorphins which in result reduces blood sugar levels and promote blood supply to all body parts.


Diabetes Mallitus Type II is a most common lifestyle disease. This blog covers following key issues related to Diabetes. It is useful for a common man.

  • Types of Diabetes

  • Causative lifestyle factors causing Diabetes II

  • Normal Ranges of sugar levels and what does it mean to you.

  • Suggestive food and lifestyle changes that reverse Diabetes in early stage and can delay complications.

One can very well control and even cure or reverse the disease by simple changes mentioned in lifestyle and dietary pattern.

1 Comment

Harsh Malaiya
Harsh Malaiya
Sep 30, 2022

A good Read

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